Hi Everyone !
Today i woke up, and i was like just i won't get out of bed today.
My mood is extremly low. I feel that i don't want to eat anymore. However i know it's not an option. If i do and listen to the "voice" i will see the results...
Guys what it is ??? My body send me signs but i can't really get them ! I tell you what i mean.:
My body is craving for sweets. I clearly feel that i would like to have sweet things. But absolutely not clear what. I would have a lot of things which is scares me. I would like:
- Buns/wholemeal bread with nutella
- Muffin filled with fruity jam or chocolate cream maybe, most with jam mostly
- Ladyfingers with milk
- Ladyfingers with strawberry joghurt
- Cocoa drink ( from real milk and cocoapowder )
- Milk
- Cookies( it would be soft or be like bisciuts and flavoured with vanilla )
- Soft cookies with jam
- Soft cookies with jam and milk
- Nesquick, Nestlé Fitness ( you know that cereals ) with milk or joghurt
- Cocoa Snail : raised pastry filled with cocoa.
First i felt like i will stay in bed all they. But i had to write it out of me. Give me advices please!!! To help me understand what it is!! Why i/my body whish for these things ? Can i have them ? ( not all the same time of course ) or can't ?. Will i be fat if i eat them ? Will i be a bad person ?? Will i be guilty ? Will i be a great useless pig who just can eat things like that ???!!! Thanks for the advices ! :) Thank you for listening/reading me !!!! :)
Today i woke up, and i was like just i won't get out of bed today.
My mood is extremly low. I feel that i don't want to eat anymore. However i know it's not an option. If i do and listen to the "voice" i will see the results...
Guys what it is ??? My body send me signs but i can't really get them ! I tell you what i mean.:
My body is craving for sweets. I clearly feel that i would like to have sweet things. But absolutely not clear what. I would have a lot of things which is scares me. I would like:
- Buns/wholemeal bread with nutella
- Muffin filled with fruity jam or chocolate cream maybe, most with jam mostly
- Ladyfingers with milk
- Ladyfingers with strawberry joghurt
- Cocoa drink ( from real milk and cocoapowder )
- Milk
- Cookies( it would be soft or be like bisciuts and flavoured with vanilla )
- Soft cookies with jam
- Soft cookies with jam and milk
- Nesquick, Nestlé Fitness ( you know that cereals ) with milk or joghurt
- Cocoa Snail : raised pastry filled with cocoa.
That is how the " cocoa snail" looks like. That is not my own picture. Took it from the internet.
I scared to death !!! Guys what it is ??? I feel like i will go back to my old bad habbits and being fat in extremly short time. I feel so much guilty for whising for them. I am so afraid to have them !!!! Of course i know that the balance is very important ! I wouldn't binge. I wouldn't have all of my whishes at the same time!!!! But i feel soooo much guilty!!!!!! I feel i just want to eat all of the time and i feel what i eat just junks!!!
Sweetie, I know it's a new thing for you and so it's a bit upsetting, but you should actually try and see these cravings as very good signs.
VálaszTörlésIt means you body is alert and is trying to tell you exactly what it needs at the moment.
You need to stop being scared of going back to look like you used to: IT WON'T HAPPEN, just trust me.
The reason why you felt a bit "chubby" in the past was because you were eating too many of those things, even when your body didn't need them.
It's time to start and listen to your body again now, that's the only way you can really recover.
Your body is sending you clear signals which you HAVE to answer to.
Try and reintrcduce all those things you're craving for into your daily meal plan.
For example, why don't you have a nice bowl of your favourite cereals with milk for breakfast? And what about including a snack in between your meals (I always have snacks, I try not to go without eating for more than 3 hours in a row).
A perfect snack could be a couples of cookies or any types of biscuits you like with a mug of hot chocolate...Mmmm perfect for this weather too!
Come on, you're lucky, sweetie, your body is talking loud and clear to you.
All you have to do is give it what it wants and you'll finally get to realize that it's so much easier than you thought.
You'll feel happy, contented and satisfied.
And you WON'T EVER GET CHUBBY anymore. It won't happen, I can promise this to you.
You need to trust me now!
I want to see some lovely pictures of your new meal plans and snacks!
Go on, girl, YOU CAN DO IT xxx
Jep...all that^^ Where the girlfriend is right she is right:) All of the above is honest, trustworthy, helpful advice I would take for myself...hmm...AM taking for myself!!!:)
VálaszTörlésI used to be in the EXACT situation as you....I thought I would go back to 'chubby' as I was a little in my teens - I still am scared like hell that I might end up like this again!! But I WON'T....it WON'T HAPPEN. I learned a lot about food during recovery and it just isn't possible to become fat in extremely short time! And I should know, I used to binge....:S
Your body is clearly sending you positive, honest signals that you can trust! If you listen to them you'Re not doing anything mindless or that you should be guilty or ashamed of, you're doing a most NORMAL, ESSENTIAL, HEALTHY thing! Well done for recognising those signals....don't be afraid of them!!! I get them all the time too and I'm anxious almost always I listen to them....but it's actually needless...so far I haven't been dissapointed!!:)
Trust your body, it is one of the most cleverest amazing things existent! I know it is hard to build up this trust....what I try now with every meal is to see it as an EXPERIMENT....I'm not 100% sure if it's right to listen to my intuition...but the only way to find out is by TRYING. And so far it has always turned out well, there would usually be a very good reason why my body was sending me certain signals! It's amazing....but it seems to work!! In the end you'll be proud what a wonderful thing your body actually is:)
Let's try together to trust our bodies more....we don't want to hurt them anymore, do we??:)
About the things you'd like to eat...well, AMAZING!!! Do you know sweetie that now that you chose life you've got ALL YOUR LIFE to lose the anxiety over them and slowly start eating them bit by bit again?:) You can do this, like the Girlfriend advises, slowly incorporate them into your meal plan, have your favourite cereal plus a cocoa for breakfast (homemade cocoa from cocoa powder and milk is one of the healthiest, 'safest' treats you could have, try with honey:)) Have some cookies or pastries for a snack....
By the way about the craving of sweet things....with me it'S almost always about a lack of carbohydrates....things like bread, pasta, oats, couscous....and yeah, basically sugar! I would then try to have a generous serving of carbs with my next meal or have a hot cocoa with honey as a snack....or sometimes even a slice of chocolate, why not?:)
You can do this girl, those signals your body is sending are something POSITIVE....it means a step FORWARD, be assured of that and keep going!!:)
Lots of Love
By the way I nominated you for the 'Liebster Blog Award' on my blog, as you are such a strong and inspiring person:) Check it out here: http://fightingtolivelife.wordpress.com/2012/11/25/liebster-blog-award/
Hello darling :) Ive nominated you for a blog award :) Check it out: http://living-with-anorexia.blogspot.se/2012/11/liebster-blog-award.html