Total mess....

Hi Everyone !

I'm so done with everything ! That if somebody need me, i'm there...if i need somebody...and i quote: " I can't help you know, all i can do is that will call you on the phone." I wanted to tell her that i'm moving abroad.

It's 1:29AM and i'm still awake and writting. Doing school stuffs...

The interview ( on the skype ) went well... until my mum came in and said.: " totally screwed up!" I was like "what?!" It went well. My ( i hope she will be) host mum and i talked. She said that she'll talk with another girl and than she decide. Fine with me. But after my mum came in and said what she did... i started to cry. And now all i can see is fat everywhere around me. I have a big belly and fat fat fat arms. I hate that i turned in this obese person. All i want to do is pull my hair out while i'm jumping up and down and screaming. My boobs are so big, my legs are fat. I'm so angry!!!!! Maybe the ( future) host mum will choose the another girl.

Why can't i be perfect ? Why can't i be beautiful ?
