" All little girls should be told they're pretty..."

Hi Everyone ! :)

Thoughts rushed over my head in the past few days. I don't talk to my father for a week and i don't meet with him. I kept thinking and a lot bad memory appeared. I was around 10 years old when he first told me that i should loose weight....that i should go to a diet. 10years old.... a little or a little boy should never EVER hear that from his or her parent!!!! He always told me that i don't worth much...a worth something with me...but without him...no way. I don't deserve nothing just when i work for it... however he bought lots of toy for us. ( for my brothet and for me ). When i were one a holiday he told us that we don't deserve it but we are going to go. How sick is that ?!  

I mentioned that i suffer from trichotillomania. I started to pull out my eyebrows and my eyelashes. As i have to go to school Saturday i have to figure out how to hide it...  

I cried today but i feel i'm going to cry again. I just want to hide.
