Hi Everyone ! :)

I visited my great - grandmother today. It went awful ! :(((((  She said i look" massive" which means she thinks that i'm fat. She said that " if you want to beat a boy he would run away". Later i helped her to stand up. She hold my arm and said that i have a fat arm so she can hold it tight.

My grand mother live with my great - grandmother. So my grandmother said that she ( my great grannie ) doesn't mean it.

I'm so disappointed and angry. I work really hard for recovery. To keep myself above the waves...and than happens somethings like this and bummm....

TRIGGER WARNING: I felt that i'm healthy...and since the school started ( c.a. 3 weeks ago ) i'm relapsing.... i restricted a bit...i lost a few kilos. I felt that ED appearing again. That i lost my appetite. I'm so sad....

Well at least this blog is here for me. So i can write out this from myself ! :)
