" Binge shopping"

Hi Everyone ! :)

Today i'm going to write about a strange new" habbit" of mine.

Since my breakthrough i noticed a very interesting thing. As my body send me CLEAR SIGNS about what we want i'm going to the shop very often. Believe me...those signs are very clear !!! Very, very clear !! So i'm having what we want. Well...most of the time. To be perfectly honest sometimes i would like to have pasta maybe... and i don't have it and change it for bread or some buns. To everyone: IT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA!!! We want pasta because we need them !!! So for next time we will want it more! " More" i mean the body " kicking us" to " You, yes you there, give me what i want !!" So the feeling will become stronger. Well this is my experience. :)

So i give my body FOOD !! A FUEL !!! I know i can have whatever i want, whenever i want ! My body knows it as well. But as i almost destroyed myself completly... in the first time ( about the first 3 weeks ) and sometimes nowadays too when i get hungry my body starting " panic". Because i didn't give us food ( or what i wanted ). The body is very smart and remembers for everything. As i started to eat again those " panics" seems stop. I KNOW I CAN EAT WHAT I WANT, WHENEVER I WANT ! :) And that doesn't mean that i must have everything ! The balance is a very important thing ! What i mean? Focus on your body!!! : If you are hungry eat !! Go for what you, what your body wants !!! :) Your body will be thankful !!! So so thankful !!!Believe me ! I know it is very hard !!!! But a fighter always going to be a figther right ? :) ;)

I mentioned the "panics". When i had ( sometimes i have them still ) them i started to shaking and feeling weak. I wanted food but i felt i have no energy to prepare it for myself. Thank God most of the time i could call my mum and she give me what i asked for. When i was alone i started to say ( loud ) that "everything is okay, i will give what you want! Just be patient ! A little more ! Please ! " It worked most of the times :). I recommend that have something next to you if you have the sime feelings. " Something" like a glass of juice, or some biscuits or what you want ! :)

"Panics" so... when i'm in the shop i see a lot of things ( I'm craving a lot of sweet food ). I know i can have them. But i know that i musn't have it all ! :) So i started to shoping. I buy a lot of things. Because i'm afraid that i will be hungry for anything and it won't be at home when i need it. So we have got a lot of food ! :) I don't eat them all at the same time. I bought them in very short time and i bought a lot. That is why i call it "binge shopping". Here is an example: I know that we have enough milk in the fridge. But when i'm in the shop i feel i have to buy another bottle of it, just for sure. When i noticed that i'm doing the "buy it,buy it, buy it "thing i stop. Take a deep breath and say ( sometimes loudly, sometimes just whisper, or just in myself ) that okay keep calm ! Let's see what we have in the basket. Okay... so what do we REALY NEED ? What do we have at home ? What my mum/my dad or my grandmother will buy for us ? It is working most of the times ! :)

Keep fighting !! Take care! Feel free to share your experiences, opinions or questions with me via comment(s) or e-mail(s)!

