Hi Everyone !
Here in Hungary there is about half past ten, so can i say " Good day " :).
My mood is low at the moment. I would like to do a lot and nothing at the same time. However the sun is shining, the sky is blue ( more or less :) ). I try to be positive. It is hard... Well let's have a look one of my list that i made. It's hungarian but don't mind because i translate it to all of you ! So here it is.:
Here in Hungary there is about half past ten, so can i say " Good day " :).
My mood is low at the moment. I would like to do a lot and nothing at the same time. However the sun is shining, the sky is blue ( more or less :) ). I try to be positive. It is hard... Well let's have a look one of my list that i made. It's hungarian but don't mind because i translate it to all of you ! So here it is.:
So it says: DO NOT FORGET that...
- The calories are just numbers!! They are not important !!
- They need them who suffers from an illnes like diabetes. You DON'T NEED them !
- You can eat what you want !!
- You can eat when you want it !!
- You can eat as many as you want !!
- The time isn't important !!
- Trust in your body!! Your body knows when you are hungry !!
- There are no " forbidden foods" !! There is no things like " too much " !!
- You can eat as many times as you want !!
- Food is a good thing !!
- Love your body ! Trust in it !!
- If you wish for something go for it !! Do not thinking about it !!
- You are NOT GUILTY if you eat !!
- Dare to eat !!
- Enjoy the tastes of food !!
- Having a rest/relaxing after a meal is an enjoyment !!
Have a nice day everyone ! :) I'll be back later ! :)
Good day to you, sweetie!!
VálaszTörlésIt's raining here in England and the sky is grey, but life is always beautiful, even in the bad weather!!
Always see the glass half full, as they say.
I noticed that lately you seem to feel tired most of the time and you say you have little energy. Do you know why, right?
It's your body telling you that you're not looking after it properly by not feeding it the right amount.
I've seen you're trying and it's a step into the right direction, but please, please, please, your portions' sizes are still so very small!!!
Those bowls of pasta are nearly empty! They should be filled up to the top.
WE ALL NEED pasta, bread, rice, potatoes in big amounts to be able to do our daily activities!
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE. Do it for us all that care for you and want you to be full of energy and life. Fill that bowls up to the top, and finish them. You will be amazed by how quickly your mood and your energy levels will increase and you will be finally able to live your days to the full and do all the activities you wish to do now!!
Please, trust me xxx
Thank you for commenting! :)
VálaszTörlésSo portions are " very small " ? Really ? :( I mean uhhh... I see my portions as HUUUUUUUUGGEEEEEE !!!! So it doesn't.
I have more energy than before, but yes i feel tired sometimes still. I don't have energy to go for work...i cold a lot but not so lot as before. Although i'm not allowed to go for a walk if we face the fact that i'm 29,2 kilogramms.
I trust you and saying that i can do is so good to hear ! I mean that i don't eat huge amounts. 'Cause i think i do...
Ezt a megjegyzést eltávolította a szerző.
VálaszTörlésTo be honest, sweetie, I am really worried for you now.
VálaszTörlésActually, I already was before, as I could see from your pictures that you don't look well. But now that you tell me that you're not allowed going for a walk and that I can see that, despite your efforts, you don't seem to be able to push yourself to eat more, I am very worried. I just want you to get better so much and I wish I could get inside your head and make your mind work in a different way, if only I could!! :(
I'm afraid that, a part from repeating myself again and again, there's not much I can do for you from here.
You really need to realize how poorly you are and seek for the right help. Are you being followed by any doctors? Are you parents aware of how unwell you are?
I love your list!!! Thank you for it!!! Everything is true....even if we doubt it...but I think we should trust it!!:))
VálaszTörlésThe girlfriend is right hun...I don't think I could add anything to what she says;) I'm not the greatest example when it comes to recovering from an eating disorder...but still, I fully support you and I really want you to get better and seek professional help!!! I hope all my food tips reached you somehow.... I'm fully aware that 'just eating' won't solve the problem....but actually plays a great role when it comes to your physical and mental state....so keep working on that!!
Heads up girl, keep walking on the road of recovery, you can do this!!! xxx