Shocking maybe...

Hi Everyone !

Ok! this blog, i would like to, and I actually share the truth about me. About my feelings. This may be shocking. But i want to show you what this illnes really can make MAYBE with you. And what really makes with me. Why ? Because i never thought that it can be happen to me. But this is reallity!!! This diseases is extremly dangerous !!! It can take away your life !!!! I'm going to share a picutre about me. I asked my mum to take one a few days ago. So here it is.:

What do you think?

Did i went too far ? Absolutely! I have to work very hard to come back to REAL LIFE and be healthy again. I HAVE TO WANT THE LIFE !!!!! As much as it want me ! 


  1. I am glad that you have realised that you have gone too far. That you can not continue.
    One day you will be healthy!! Free from anorexia. And you wwill be able to look at pictures or into the mirror and like what you see :)
    Keep strong. And remember why you want to recover. All the benefits.
    You are a gorgeous girl but you just have to become healthy so that you and everyone else can see that!!!:)

    Maybe you could post a photo of how you were before you become ill? Or started to lose weight? If you want to?

    i believe in you Xxx

  2. Thank you so much Izzy ! :) Yes...that picture shocked me...You are gorgeous too ! :) I will post a picture about me before i was sick yes. :) * Virtual hug sent* :) xxx

  3. Seeing you like this makes me sad, because i cant help you..I hope that you want to recover and you can see that this life you´re living isnt the life you should be living. There is a big world outside of ED and you are worth to be there.
    I hope you have strength and courage to fight for life. I know you have it.
    Things can get better, believe in you...:)

  4. Thank you for the comment and good wishes ! :) You helping with it ! :) I HAVE to have strength !!! Thank you that you believe in me ! :)


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