Neighbours and my favourite coffee

Hello Everyone ! :)

I woke up the noise of a drill yesterday. I was just like..." ouch...." After 7AM... One of our neighbours done something...I don't know what. Fortunaly it took just one day long.

I like coffee. I have always liked it. When my brother and i were small childs my mother give us large cups. Once in a day i think. She poured a little black coffee into our cup and added a lot of milk to it. We used to love it.  My favourite brand of coffee is Nescafé ! I started to drink coffee again not so long ago.
My favourite coffee ! :)

Which type of coffee do YOU prefer ? Or do YOU like coffee ? If the answer is yes let me know how do you like it ? Black or white ? 

My breakfast from yesterday. I ate less then half of the "cake". The liquid was coffee.

Dinner...yesterday. 65-70 g of "tagliatelle" ( italian pasta ) and 1g of mushroom. I haven't finished this one as usual... I drink water with it.

I ate this today. My favourite coffee *__* and 88gramms of strawberries. 


  1. I love coffee!! :) iI used to drink it black, cus i was scared to add milk. But now a days i drink a large cup with a bit of milk!! I love it!! :)
    In the morning i usually drink an espresso or a few small shots of coffee to give me some energy, and then in the evening i would drink one or two large cups of coffee!! :)
    I dont really have a favourite brand... but i like it kind of mild.. not strong :) haha

    Mmm... strawberries :)
    I really hope that soon you will be able to eat food again without weighing it...
    food isnt bad. Its fuel that everyone needs. And its ok to eat a plate of pasta, to eat a full portion.. to eat 5/6 times a day!! You wont get fat from it..

    How are things going for you?
    Hope you haeva good weekend :) x

    1. First of all thanks for the comment ! :) I drink my coffee with water 'cause i'm scared to add milk. *Sighs* I don't like black coffee. :)
      I KNOW i will be able to eat food again without weighing it !! :) I must know ! :) Yes...I should eat 5 times a day, and I have a meal plan.

      Things going good thanks ! :) I read, watching TV, and sneak out for a walk while my mum was on a trip. I know that I shouldn't do the " go out thing" because I burn more calories than I eat. But I just love walking, enjoying the sunshine, that I'm a part of my OWN LIFE. :) How you doin'? What are you plans for the weekend ? In the other hand I'm here if you want to talk with somebody. If you think that you respect me with your trust ! :)

      My weekend is good. However it's "just" saturday now :) Thanks for writing ! :) I send you a huge huge virtual hug !! :)


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